Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Underrating of Church History

The value of Church history is underrated today because post-modern skeptical deconstructionism reigns supreme. When one takes the Scripture out of the picture, one no longer has a basis for knowing history. It becomes arbitrary and impossible to document. This mentality has permeated into the Church, and it has been devastating.

Heresies that were once dealt with have reemerged with a vengeance, especially ones like the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. Because we failed to teach the Bible as authoritative, which in turn grounds history itself, many have been deceived into this cult. Sadly, these same people think that it is novel, yet it is just a repackaged form of Arianism (early Church heresy) with its focus on good deeds and the denial of Christ as fully God.

This and many other heresies are only the tip of the ice-berg. Rather, let us stand upon God's Word, which alone forms the basis of any rationality, and proclaim the truth of God's Word that has been delivered to the prophets and kept by our fathers that have heralded orthdox truth.

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