Many people are controlled by anxiety, and there are vast numbers who are unable to function because of it. Anxiety is brought about by our fear of what may or not happen given the current circumstances. For example, when funds are low and bills are high, anxiety escalates. For this reason, man will turn to something or someone to deal with anxiety, including medication.
Pills are popular because they are a quick fix, and, for that reason, this has become a multi-billion dollar industry. The great danger is that anxiety medication can be quite strong, so, when a person wants to get off of it, one has to be extremely cautious because death or serious injury could result.
How then should we deal with anxiety Biblically?
First of all, the spiritual answer to anxiety is to trust in the Sovereignty of God. Does not God provide for the flowers in the field and the birds of the sky? Will He not provide for that which was created in His image all the moreso? Repentance and submission to Christ is the only true answer to curing anxiety, and that takes the work of a Sovereign God because of our hardness of heart. When God is working upon the heart and convicting your heart, repent and cling to Christ. Do not be as the fool and chase after the vain idols that cannot see, hear, taste, touch, or speak.
Second of all, if one is on axiety medication, anti-depressants, etc., then coming off of those pills should be under the supervision of a physician. However, one must be careful because the facilities that are availble to 'detox' someone will also give unBiblical advice about how to deal with the anxiety to begin with. If a facility is used, it must be stressed that one is there to seek treatment for the physical withdrawal issues and not to gain unBiblical advice.
As you can see, the world's answer makes the problem far worse than it originally was. Therefore, seek Christ and rest in Him, lest you find yourself entrapped by the deceitfulness of the world's short-term bandaid idols.