Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bible Study: Romans 1:26-32

Romans 1:26-32 Continued Manifestations of the Wrath of God Revealed

1. Given Over To Degrading Passions: The Destructive Sin of Homosexuality (1:26-27)

  • Now that man has turned totally to idolatry, man will quickly reap the results as his actions now lead to even greater destructive consequences.
  • Homosexuality is always prohibited and seen as dishonorable in Scripture (1:26a).
  • Paul highlights this particular sin because when the nuclear unit (i.e. man and woman in marriage) is undermined, the societal results are devastating.
  • Women are usually the last ones in a culture to plunge into the deepest immorality.  However, when they do, it is a sign of future implosion of the society because they represent a significant part of nurture.  When that nurture crumbles, the next generation is raised without at least one positive moral stabilizing figure.
             A. The Women: Exchanging the Natural Function (1:26b)
                  i. The word used here for woman is female, thus indicating the contrary nature of homosexuality to normative natural order.
                  ii. Animals do behave in this manner at times as has been recorded and witnessed, but it is not normative.  More than that, to continue in this logic reduces us to mere animals.  Also, we do live in a fallen world, so even the animals may do what is contrary to the original created order.
                  iii. The Feminist Movement in Ancient Greece & Rome was very strong, and so lesbian relationships were not uncommon.  This worldview is not new to the 21st century and the results are just as shattering.

            B. The Men: Burning With Passion Towards Each Other (1:27)
                 i. What the men did was far worse because they not only abandoned the natural function, but they also burned with passion towards each other.
                 ii. Women often times turn to a lesbian relationship due to abuse and thus desire safety.  This is not an excuse for sin, but one can reasonably see how this tragically happens.  However, the men burn with passion indicating a downward spiral of deep-seeded rebellion against a Holy God.
                 iii. The Passion of Sodom drove the men to tremendous depravity as they fought to get into the door.  (Genesis 19)
It is not uncommon for the average homosexual male to have over 500 partners in a lifetime!   The Due Penalty for their error is horrific as homosexual crimes are far more brutal and the STD’s are disastrous. (Catholics Apologetics International online: www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1502263/posts accessed 9 Feb 2009 at 5:18PM)

2. Given Over To A Depraved Mind (1:28-32)

  • After highlighting homosexuality, Paul lists a number of sins, which are not exhaustive, that destroy us as individuals and society at large.
  • All of this is part of God’s wrath; ironically man interprets this total depravity to freedom, but in reality is absolute slavery to sin.
  • Man was totally given over in all sorts of sin, and the results continue to pile up.
  • The greater horror is that men not only do these things, but they also give hearty approval to others.  Man feasts upon his sin, and the rottenness of this food leads to death.  What man thinks brings life only brings death. (1:32).

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