Friday, July 15, 2011

The Christian Life: The Promise of Hardship

The Christian Life is one of Promised Hardship and not ease. For this reason, the health and wealth gospel is an assault on the gospel itself, and it should receive direct and regular condemnation in the same way that the Fathers battled the Gnostics, Arians, etc.

It is true that living according to Biblical principles reduces financial stress and surely builds up the family. However, Christ does not ensure us a long life without affliction, persecution, and physical pain associated with a fallen world. It is a great tragedy when those who have severe chronic pain and/or paralyzing conditions are deceived into thinking that they lack the faith needed to be healed. This is heresy, for Our Lord Himself and most of the Apostles died humiliatingly painful deaths.

Therefore, let us be slow to judge those who endure hardship. Rather, let us pray for God's grace to heal and restore according to His will, and let us pray for the grace to endure when God ordains hardship to continue. Ultimately, this life is a preparation for the next, so suffering unto the glory of God is not in vain.

To Him be the glory! Amen!

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