Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When Biblical Authority was Compromised in Roman Catholicism and How it was Regained thru the Reformation

When did the Church compromise Biblical Authority in an unprecedented way before the Reformation?

• When the Roman Empire collapsed, the Roman Catholic Church rose in power, but, horrifically, it began to leave Biblical authority and various human philosophies and Church traditions took over as authoritative. Eventually, Scripture was no longer considered the supreme authority, so various unBiblical teachings crept in and questioned justification by faith alone. The Roman Catholic Church even taught that people could buy salvation, which is clearly blasphemous, for justification by faith alone is declared unequivocally in the Scriptures. Paul specifically singles out Abraham to prove this point in Romans 4. Ultimately, true worship diminished because men began to boast in their own works apart from God's grace. In the process, joy and peace fled Europe and an era of Roman Catholic Tyranny prevailed instead.

How did the Church reassert Biblical Authority during the Reformation?

• Through much sacrifice and even martyrdom when necessary, Biblical Authority was reclaimed during the Reformation because men like Wycliffe, Huss, Tyndale, Zwingli, Luther, and Calvin refused to yield to anything except the Scriptures alone. In doing so, they reclaimed the truth of the gospel: Salvation comes by grace through faith alone so that no man should boast (Eph 2:8-10)! Amen!

How did asserting Biblical Authority affect the world during and after the Reformation?

• When Biblical Authority was reasserted, God's Sovereign grace was preached everywhere, and an unprecedented evangelism explosion occurred! Amen! In his timeless hymn, Martin Luther penned, "A Mighty Fortress is our God!" What started in a few monasteries enveloped 
Europe and quickly spread throughout the world. There was no hope in a system of works-based self-righteousness because all fall short of God's glory (Rom 3:23), but the hope of the gospel of grace shines brilliantly to even the most destitute and vile of sinners when it is based on the righteousness of Christ. Worship once again rose from Europe and then to the uttermost as the Good News of Jesus Christ raced to the four corners of the world! Glory to God in the Highest! Amen!

1 comment:

Meggan said...

May God, in His divine will, allow another Reformation to begin in our day, in our churches! I think Protestant churches today have these same tendencies, as they still rely on the Scripture, as authoritative but insufficient in some ways and, in so doing, usher in human philosophy and reasoning in to them. May the church everywhere, humble itself, pray and seek His face - that God might bring true revival!