Sunday, December 6, 2009

Financial Stewardship

The Scripture speaks on money more than almost anything. In an era of high credit card debt and an instant gratifcation culture, we need to chew on the Scripture regarding financial responsibilities. Truly, "The borrower is the lender's slave." Paying off debt and managing finances does give finacial peace of mind.

The Scripture does not prohibit loans as they are spoken of throughout the Scripture, yet we are commanded to pay off our debts. It's one thing to take out a home loan vs rent working to pay the home off as timely as possible. It's another thing to just waste money and run up credit card debt on frivilous impulse shopping. Therefore, let us enjoy the blessings of sound financial stewardship, and use our resources to glorify God as we work as instruments in His hands to expand His Kingdom! Amen!

1 comment:

Meggan said...

Delayed gratification helps to control spending too.