Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prison of Modern Psychology

Initially, one can become enticed to embrace a 'psychological disorder'. For example, if one has no control over being ADD, then it's easy to use the 'I have ADD' line to justify abhorrent behavior. It may seem quite useful at times, especially in parenting difficult children who are like wild animals; we have two of them. The reality is that they don't have ADD, they just have energy, yet that energy must not go unchecked, lest it turn into disciplinary/obedience problems. Daily discipline is hard, monotonous, and even frustrating at times, yet that is the answer to unruly children, not a bottle of pills and/or a cop-out label. We live in a fallen world, and punishment (even corporal) for misconduct is required instead of misinformation and parental laziness.

The great tragedy of these labels is that one ultimately finds oneself in a hopeless prison. After using it as a convenient alibi for a while to evade work and discipline, eventually this mindset becomes debilitating. One no longer wants to simply blame 'bi-polar'; rather, one wants to to be set free from such problems. Many Christians become entangled in this web also, and much of that is due to defective biblical and systematic theology which leads to impotent applied theology (ie counseling, discipleship, and evangelism). What then is the answer?

Regular digestion and right understanding of Scripture always lays the groundwork for meaningful application. The Lord's Sufficient, Authoritative, Inerrant, Inspired, Holy Word is the only true answer for someone whose attitude and disposition is like a yo-yo all the time, as is the case with many of the 'disorders' that exist. 'Meds' are not the answer; a right relationship with the Living God is! Amen!

1 comment:

Meggan said...

Amen! Adopting those labels also leads to depression and hopelessness. "There's nothing I can do . . . I have ADD." We must take responsibility for our actions if we are to come out of our hopeless state and ask God for forgiveness and mercy.