Monday, August 1, 2011

Augustine, Rome, & The Unites States of America

As I was reading through Bruce Shelley's Church in History in Plain English, I was reminded of how Augustine persevered through the Fall of Rome. America is in a similar situation as Rome, yet as Christians we shall persevere in the same manner that Augustine did. We glory in the crucified and risen Christ who shall never be dethroned! Amen!.

Now comes the pressing question. What will the landscape look like for American Christians in the event of our nation's collapse?

I've heard that this probably depends on where you live at now, for that will dictate what life is like when everything comes out in the wash. If you live or move to an area that is at least friendly to a Biblically based ethic, then persecution will probably not be as severe though economics times still tough. However, if you live in the more extreme liberal parts of the country that detest the God of the Bible, oppressive governments could be looming.

Nevertheless, Christ still reigns in glory, and the Church will persevere as it always has, yet persecution should be expected. Even so, there is much heresy today that will be rooted out in the process, which has traditionally sanctified the Church and strengthened the bonds of fellowship.

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