Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Deity of Christ

The early Church battled numerous heresies, and we see a bold defense of the Deity of Christ in the book of John. Amongst other heresies, it was written against the Docetic heresy, which is the idea that Christ only seemed to be God but was not actually God. John blasts this doctrine because salvation is on the line.

Man cannot be saved without God, for only God can redeem man because it is against an infinitely Holy God that we have sinned. For this reason, the blood of bulls and goats can never take away sin (Heb 10:4). They only pointed to the need for an ultimate sacrifice. God the Son became this ultimate sacrifice on the cross. He alone could bear the wrath of God and redeem a people to Himself because He is fully God. He could live under the Law and fulfill it because He added flesh to Himself and lived a human life having victory where Adam failed.

Though the One Triune God bears a mind-boggling relationship in our minds, it is through the persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that salvation has come to the elect of God. Let us praise Him all our days!

To Him be the glory! Amen!

Check Calvin's Sermons on the Deity of Christ

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