Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In the News: Sex Scandal From The Pulpit AGAIN

The facts still flow in about the recent scandal surrounding Bishop Eddie Long, and this should serve as a reminder as to how devastating a scandal is. When a pastor launches himself into immorality, a plight upon the gospel of Christ always occurs when it is exposed. God is dishonored first and foremost, and then the nations immediately find it a convenient means to blaspheme, and this is especially true when it comes from the pulpit.

The impenitent are always seeking a way to justify their rebellion, but they will not be able to defend themselves before a Holy God. Nonetheless, in God's Providential means, a holy lifestyle before Him is powerfully used to change the hearts of sinful men to His glory.

Therefore, let us strive for holiness and repent from our wickedness, lest we bring dishonor upon our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory! Amen!

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