Sunday, September 12, 2010

Perseverance: When Life Is A Fog

At times we find ourselves in a fog of unknown trajectories. We don't know which way to go as clearly as we once thought. For this reason, God is truly a light unto our path and lamp unto our feet. Often times, all we know is the very next step as we faithfully trust the Lord with our lives.

When I'm in fog, I think of Joseph. God gave him great visions of the future, yet things seemed to go from bad to worse. What was once clear becamed muddled. However, in God's time, His glory shone forth in grandeur as Joseph was made viceroy of Egypt and later saved his family from starvation! To God be the glory!


Meggan said...

It's tough to know which way to go when you seem to have no specific vision for the future. It tests our patience to wait for an opportunity or idea to come along in God's providence.

David Keuss said...

It seems that a time of fog could be God's way of strengthening you to lead you where he has you in some way. It has been my experience, that the Lord often redirects us through a time where things are foggy, so as to get our attention for what we are called to do next to love God and serve our neighbor as ourself. These times may not be "fun" to go through, but they end up being 20/20 when you look back at how God worked. Persevere brother.