Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Blog

From now on, go to for all of Jeramy's Monday-Friday blog posts.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bondage of the Will by Luther

One of the greatest classic in Church History has to be Martin Luther's Bondage of the Will. In it, Luther systematically refutes the Semi-Pelagian view of Rome in his response to Erasmus. Check out this great classic: Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Schreiner on Romans

Romans is one of the most systemetized texts in the New Testament covering a wide range of topics in a concise manner. It has also been cited as key text for conversion by numerous famous theologians in th past. Check out this great commentary on Romans by Tom Schreiner.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Underrating of Church History

The value of Church history is underrated today because post-modern skeptical deconstructionism reigns supreme. When one takes the Scripture out of the picture, one no longer has a basis for knowing history. It becomes arbitrary and impossible to document. This mentality has permeated into the Church, and it has been devastating.

Heresies that were once dealt with have reemerged with a vengeance, especially ones like the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. Because we failed to teach the Bible as authoritative, which in turn grounds history itself, many have been deceived into this cult. Sadly, these same people think that it is novel, yet it is just a repackaged form of Arianism (early Church heresy) with its focus on good deeds and the denial of Christ as fully God.

This and many other heresies are only the tip of the ice-berg. Rather, let us stand upon God's Word, which alone forms the basis of any rationality, and proclaim the truth of God's Word that has been delivered to the prophets and kept by our fathers that have heralded orthdox truth.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Homeward Bound

A few blogs ago, I commented on the great read "Homeward Bound". Hartman demonstrates how being heavenly minded as a Christian is instrumental in developing a godly household. As our hearts reflect upon eternal matters, that inevitably drives our attitudes and actions in this life, especially within the family unit.

Check out Homeward Bound by Hartman.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Great Isaiah Commentary

I recently perused through key section of an incredible commentary on Isaiah. Motyer does and excellent job explaining great tapestry that is the book of Isaiah, and he gives an especially good defense of the total authorship of Isaiah. I agree with him that the vast majority of those who would reject Isaiah as the author ultimately do so because of presuppositional biases against supernatural revelation.

Taking Back Counsel From the Halls of Babylon--Competent to Counsel

In our era, one doesn't have to look too far to find a 'therapist' for just about anything. The Halls of Babylon have transformed our society from one that sought the Scripture for wisdom into one that selects popular fads off of the buffet of pop psychology.

However, we need not succumb to the wisdom of the world. Jay Adams started to push back against this several decades ago, and since then a revival of true Biblical counseling has emereged. The Bible is sufficient for training, correction, and reproof; we do not need the wisdom of Babylon to evangelize, disciple, and grow in Christ.

Here is the book that confronted the idols of pop psychology when few were willing to do so: Competent To Counsel by Jay Adams.

Defending the Faith--Bahnsen on Van Til

Greg Bahnsen did a masterful job in ordering the thought of Cornelius Van Til. I read through this work a couple years ago, and it was incredible. I have never been the same since. It has become a great arsenal in my quiver of works that rightly extol the Word of God in all its glory.

Presuppositional Apologetics puts real teeth into Christian apologetics, and this book is a must for anyone who desires to delve deeper into some critical concepts in cultivating a strong Biblical Worldview.

I strongly recommend Van Til's Apologetic: Reading and Analysis by Greg L. Bahnsen.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hell Under Fire

Hell is one of the most denied locations in our era. Even many professing Christians tend to waffle about its existence or its eternality. For a great read on the Doctrine of Hell, I reccomend, Hell Under Fire, which includes authors like Albert Mohhler, Jr.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Shepherding a Child's Heart

Any attempt to raise a child in the fear and admonition of the Lord is blasted today in Halls of Babylon. The humanists detest spanking, and they hate that we teach our children absolute truth, yet God' truth abideth still. We have found great encouragement in a book entitled Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Deity of Christ

The early Church battled numerous heresies, and we see a bold defense of the Deity of Christ in the book of John. Amongst other heresies, it was written against the Docetic heresy, which is the idea that Christ only seemed to be God but was not actually God. John blasts this doctrine because salvation is on the line.

Man cannot be saved without God, for only God can redeem man because it is against an infinitely Holy God that we have sinned. For this reason, the blood of bulls and goats can never take away sin (Heb 10:4). They only pointed to the need for an ultimate sacrifice. God the Son became this ultimate sacrifice on the cross. He alone could bear the wrath of God and redeem a people to Himself because He is fully God. He could live under the Law and fulfill it because He added flesh to Himself and lived a human life having victory where Adam failed.

Though the One Triune God bears a mind-boggling relationship in our minds, it is through the persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that salvation has come to the elect of God. Let us praise Him all our days!

To Him be the glory! Amen!

Check Calvin's Sermons on the Deity of Christ

Monday, August 1, 2011

Augustine, Rome, & The Unites States of America

As I was reading through Bruce Shelley's Church in History in Plain English, I was reminded of how Augustine persevered through the Fall of Rome. America is in a similar situation as Rome, yet as Christians we shall persevere in the same manner that Augustine did. We glory in the crucified and risen Christ who shall never be dethroned! Amen!.

Now comes the pressing question. What will the landscape look like for American Christians in the event of our nation's collapse?

I've heard that this probably depends on where you live at now, for that will dictate what life is like when everything comes out in the wash. If you live or move to an area that is at least friendly to a Biblically based ethic, then persecution will probably not be as severe though economics times still tough. However, if you live in the more extreme liberal parts of the country that detest the God of the Bible, oppressive governments could be looming.

Nevertheless, Christ still reigns in glory, and the Church will persevere as it always has, yet persecution should be expected. Even so, there is much heresy today that will be rooted out in the process, which has traditionally sanctified the Church and strengthened the bonds of fellowship.

Friday, July 29, 2011

In the News: America Spends To Much

The fundamental problem in America government financially is that we spend more than we take in. One can debate whether we should redistribute more or less. However, that is not the heart of the matter. Rather, our philosophy of spending is the problem. Because we have spent more than we have taken in for so long on a consistent basis, the chickens have come home to roost.

Leaders in a republic, democracy, or some type of democratic republic typically reflect the values of the people. As a nation, we spend more than we take in whether one earns much or little. Until we live within our means, the debt crises will continue and will ultimately result in complete economic collapse.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Islam vs. Christianity: Fundamental Difference of Beginnings

There is much hub-bub today attempting to downscale the dangers of Islam. Those who use Islam as a tool of war are considered fringe. Efforts are made to couch Islam as a religion of peace, and anyone who says otherwise is considered intolerant and bigoted. However, accusations of bigotry are unfounded because the beginnings of Islam are violent.

Whether people like it or not, Islam was started as a terrorist religion. In order to promote his ideas, Mohammad would give his followers part of the spoils of of war. As his band of followers became more powerful and dominant, he attracted even more men who held similar warlike persuasions. Concurrently, he promoted his religious positions that were eagerly accepted by these followers because it catered to them as it tickled their ears. As time went on, just as from the beginning, Islam was spread by the sword when necessary.

In contrast, Christianity was birthed in love, grace, and mercy. Those who refused to convert were not punished by the state until the state adopted a sacral society touting Christianity as the religion of the state.

I do want to make it clear that I have known many rather peaceful confessing Muslims who, frankly and thankfully, are inconsistent Muslims. They are peaceful in spite of Islam and merely go through selected rituals. On the other hand, there many wicked men who claim the name of Christ; they are then wicked in spite of Christianity.

Therefore, Christianity and Islam are different right from the start. Demonizing Christianity because of the unfounded Crusades and other sacral society manifestations is just as dishonest as pacifying Islam.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who Is Your Savior?

If you are looking to anything or anyone except Christ for salvation, then you are deceiving yourself. Even confessing Christians continue to seek salvation in something or someone else besides Christ. Among the many idols that can draw us away from Christ, entitlement programs are surely at the top of the list, with the government being the origin of such benevelonce.

The government is ordained by God do punish evildoers and maintain order in a society, but it cannot save the soul, and it definitely cannot create a utopia of some sort. Government cannot save because it is made up of sinful people that are at best instruments in the hands of the Almighty God.

Christ alone can bring salvation, ultimate justice, peace, joy, love, and prosperity. Such an absolute system will not occur in its fullness until Christ returns and imposes His right hand upon the world with wrath upon the wicked and gracious meriful love upon His sheep.

Therefore, cling to Christ, and do not put your ultimate hope in a politician or political system.

To Him be the glory!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Better in the House of Mourning than Feasting

Every man faces death, and we tend to be cynical or insular. Neither are Biblical, which is what makes Homeward Bound by Edward Hartman so refreshing.

Hartman brings the reader face to face with death without diminishing one's responsibilities in this life. If we are not heavenly minded, we will value that which is fleeting in this life. We are to value this life and the blessings in it, but we must take care not to hold on too tightly to that which we cannot keep. We are stewards, and God will honor right stewardship, yet that must be understood in the face of eternity, whether beholding the glory of God in Christ or bearing His wrath in Hell.

I love how Hartman uses Ecclesiastes (a great treasure in my heart), for Solomon goes to great lengths to describe the vanity of life apart from God. It is better to be in a house of mourning than feasting because it forces us to come to grips with our own mortality. To insulate ourselves from the reality of death is foolish, for there will be Hell to pay for dismissing the Lord's admonition to the impenitent. This is why the gospel is so glorious. Those who repent and bow before Christ no longer fear death. On the contrary, they are ever preparing to behold the Lamb of glory into the ages! Amen!

I have said this many times and it never gets old. My greatest desire is to behold the glory of God in Christ face to face for all eternity as I fall at his feet in worship. That focus always leads me to repentance, for I do not desire sin but detest it. Woe is me when I take my sin lightly and trample upon the grace of God!

Face your own death and embrace the Lord of glory, He who is King of kings and Lord or lords! Amen! Amen!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Perseverance of the Righteous without Bitterness

The Lord commands us to persevere through trials to His glory, yet we often times endure with much bitterness in our hearts. Our plans have not worked as we desired, and, from our perspective, doors may have even closed at the last minute.

However, it is during these times that we are tried and tested the most, and how we react to these trials exposes the disposition of our hearts. During these circumstances, the theology of our hearts is borne out. It is one thing to preach the Sovereignty of God, yet is another to actually embrace God's Sovereign perfect and good will from the heart.

Therefore, when we go through trials, let us cling to Christ and know that He is Lord of lords and King of kings. His love endures forever, so we have no excuse to tread into bitterness. Rather, let us rejoice as did the Apostles that we are given the privilege to suffer for His Name.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

America's Atheocracy

Those who oppose Christ regulary erect the straw man that any effort to impart Biblical principles into our society is an attempt to establish a theocracy. Not only is this dishonest, but it is also deceptive.

1) It is dishonest because from the Foundation of America, Christian Statesmen were not advocating a theocracy but a Constitutional Republic that is based on Biblical priniciples. Lest one challenge this, a specific example is warranted. The very assumption of original sin is clearly implied in the Consitution, for, when one reads the documents that surround it like the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, the inherent sinfulness or evil bent of man from birth is clearly expounded upon. The fundamental difference is that both sides were at odds on how to contain sin within a fallen society.

2) It is deceptive because some worldview will win the day at any given time, and what is alleged to be secular and thus neutral is a lie. On the contrary, we are becoming and have set the stage for an Atheocracy.

How would I define an atheocracy?

If a theocracy, namely a Christian theocracy, is a government based on the Bible and executes harsh punishment for any violation of Biblical Law wherein the Kingdom is manifested in its glory visibly, then an atheocracy is a society wherein God or any semblance of God is removed from all facets of life, especially public life. Any attempt to introduce God into the picture is rejected and condemned as a religion against the state.

If this sounds familiar, then you should not be surprised, for our nation is being overrun by formal and practical atheists in all parts of government and public life. All of this is done under the disguises of tolerance, acceptance, approval, and neutrality.

How shall we then live?

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!" proclaims the Scripture. Though we surely defend liberty of conscience, we must never agree that an atheistic style of government whereby the Lord God is defamed and ridiculed is the pinnacle of good government. Rather we must explain how a worldview affects a society and then boldy defend why a system of government based on Biblical worldview prinicples is the best sytem of government in a fallen society. It is the only system within a fallen society that exercises restraint with liberty of conscience on the one hand while maintaining justice and order on the other.

No other worldview can accomplish such balance because they are all based on the whimsical philosophies of fallen man and thus have no absolute basis for Law. Governements based in human philosophy always result in the tyranny of one, an elite, or just mob rule.

If an atheocracy is what we desire, then we truly deserve all of the horrendous fruits that it bears. Exhibit A: Joseph Stalin. Any questions?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

In the News: Budget Battle

Answers in Genesis had a good article on financial displine recently, and I thought it was worth echoing.

There has been much hub-bub of late dealing with the Federal Budget. A variety of proposals have been put forth with both sides arguing their respective cases. The vast majority of us will never sit in an earthly seat of political power, so what can the average Christian do besides cast a vote?

No matter what society a Christian lives in, basic fiscal principles still apply whether one is poor, average, or wealthy. The way in which one spends, saves, and/or borrows money reflects the secrets of the heart, and our credit card receipts have reflected ill upon us as indifvidual Christians and as a Church corporately. The borrower is a slave to the lender, and the American Church has become a slave to creditors just as bad as individual Christians. Casting off this gorillas takes discipline and a willingness to delay gratification, which is not easy. However, it bears much fruit when put in to practice both fiscally and evangelistically.

When Christians learn to manage their finances, outsiders start to take notice; this has happened in my own life as well as others. Over time, as more Believers live within their means, the louder the gospel cries out to a lost generation because our hearts are reflected in a more postive light as we use our resources to glorify God and not ourselves. In God's Providence, this kind of example in any area used by God to bring the lost to Himself. This inevitably changes a society, which is what happened in Europe on a myriad of fronts, yet where Christians live inconsistenty with Biblical prinicples the gospel recedes.

Therefore, let us encourage fiscal responsibility, and live out what we preach with our own dollars and cents.

To Him be the glory! Amen!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sacrifice In Your Home

Though America is blessed more than every other country, we ought not to overlook the sacrifices that many Christians make to honor the Lord in a materialistic culture.

There are numerous families that could drive nicer cars, have larger homes, dine out more, vacation often, etc., yet they decide to honor the Lord by living a modest lifestyle. They do this to ensure that mom can stay at home to nurture the children and keep up the home.

Therefore, let us not forget the sacrifice that our wives make, and let us honor the families that exercise self-control to honor the Lord when the culture tempts them to be self-serving instead of self-sacrificing.

To Him be the glory! Amen!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Cheating and Government Education

In the wake of continued reports involving the Atlanta Public Education cheating scandal, it is important to aggressively point out a specific element of hypocrisy. Government based public education seeks to be religiously neutral, yet this is both absurd and deceptive because everything is bent towards a religious worldview.

For government education, its worldview is atheistic materialistic naturalism. Because this is its underlying presuppositional bias, we should not be surprised when cheating is so wide spread and then explained away. Naturalism has no grounds to denounce cheating because it always results in relativism. In the eyes of those teachers and administrators, cheating on standardized tests was a good thing because they defined good in their own eyes.

Furthermore, when exposed, guilt was not quickly admitted. On the contrary, they did as Adam and Eve; they blameshifted. The cry which has echoed throughout the area is that this cheating scandal was a result of too much emphasis on high standardized test scores. Therefore, cheating is only the tip of the ice-berg, for the denial that it was evil is even worse!

This obviously sends a strong message to students, namely those teachers who were students themselves at one time. They saw and understood this worldview that was shoved down their throats when they were younger and then lived it out a generation later. This is the multi-generational fruit of an atheistic based government education system.

Nevertheless, lest we sit and gloat in the fall of such decadence, many Christian schools (and Churches for that matter) aren't much better, for their respective standards, curriculum, and overall administrative practices virtually mirror that of government run education.

How shall we then live?

The solution is not to use Christ as a means to help morals along, for He shall not be used like an old dirty rag! He is the King of Glory! Amen!

Rather, Christians must understand the evils that pervade government run education, systematically take their children out of the public education system, and set them in an environment where a sound Biblical worldview is cultivated and extolled. This can either take place via home school (my preference) or a Christian School that uncompromisingly abides in a thoroughly orthodox Christian worldview in both doctrine and practice.

What then of the public univeristies?

If a Christian is rightly trained from a young age to bind himself to the Lord of Hosts and discern worldivews, he will be like Daniel and not abandon the faith. Instead, his mature mind will know how to throw out the bad (ie atheism) and keep the good (ie learning the practicals of accounting, law, medicine, calculus, etc.). There is a difference between throwing a mature believer in the lion's den or into the fiery furnace and a small child. We send our children into the lion's den totally unprepared for life and are then surprised when they are devoured by atheists.

To Him be the glory alone! Amen!

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Christian Life: The Promise of Hardship

The Christian Life is one of Promised Hardship and not ease. For this reason, the health and wealth gospel is an assault on the gospel itself, and it should receive direct and regular condemnation in the same way that the Fathers battled the Gnostics, Arians, etc.

It is true that living according to Biblical principles reduces financial stress and surely builds up the family. However, Christ does not ensure us a long life without affliction, persecution, and physical pain associated with a fallen world. It is a great tragedy when those who have severe chronic pain and/or paralyzing conditions are deceived into thinking that they lack the faith needed to be healed. This is heresy, for Our Lord Himself and most of the Apostles died humiliatingly painful deaths.

Therefore, let us be slow to judge those who endure hardship. Rather, let us pray for God's grace to heal and restore according to His will, and let us pray for the grace to endure when God ordains hardship to continue. Ultimately, this life is a preparation for the next, so suffering unto the glory of God is not in vain.

To Him be the glory! Amen!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Scripture and Tradition

Today we consider Church Tradition as a body of teaching and rites solely derived from man, so we tend to think little of Tradition in in light of the testimony of Sola Scripture. However, the early Church placed a high value on both Scripture and Tradition, though Tradition was never the usurpation of Scripture. Tradition was understood as the concise body of doctrine which came from Christ to the Apostles and finally to the Fathers successively. This, in turn, was critical in binding the faith and refuting heretics. Tradition had to conform to Scripture, but early formulated Traditional Doctrines were used as evidence to crush the deceptive interpretations of Scripture by dangerous groups like the Gnostics.

Taken out of Early Christian Doctrines, J.N.D. Kelly (page 31 1978 revised edition) quotes Athanasius in defining Tradition as it was understood early on. Kelly writes, "The ancient meaning of the term is well illustrated by Athanasius's reference to 'the actual original tradition, teaching and faith of the Catholic Church, which the Lord bestowed, the apostles proclaimed, and the fathers safeguarded'." As a side note, Catholic Church is not a reference to Rome here but rather the Church as a whole.

Therefore, we concur with the early Fathers that Tradition is not something to be tossed aside, for it helps us grasp the early teachings of the Church as bestowed by Christ and proclaimed by the Apostles. We use such Doctrinal Traditions to rightly interpret the Scriptures, yet, with that being said, there are doctrines that have been introduced over time with little explicit or implicit Scriptural warrant. These are are certainly worth debating, of which some may or may not have sbustantive support. For this reason, the analogy of faith (Scripture intereprets Scripture) is critcal in formulating right Doctrine.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Authorship of Isaiah

The authorship of Isaiah has been attacked in the modern era with great veracity. However, the reasons for this are unfounded because of an anti-presuppositional bias against prophetic supernaturalism. If one presupposes a materialistic worldview, then one must attempt to reinterpret Isaiah and give it a later date.

To begin with, the Masoretic (Hebrew Old Testament) was questioned for years by materialists, yet the finding of the great Isaiah scroll in the Dead Sea area collapsed the dating of the text just over a thousand years! The Word of God is always vindicated because it is the Word of God.

Even so, the date of Isaiah is still questioned, especially in light of the Cyrus prophecy that occurred many years before Cyrus was born and before the Persian Empire rose to such great heights of power. However, the text nor the evidence warrants against an early date for Isaiah. Rather, it is a defective pressupositional bias that forces these convoluted interpretations.

I reccomend Motyer's Commentary on Isaiah for further study.

To God be the glory! Amen!

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Bible, Law, and the Constitution of the Unites States

Though many detest the Bible, it is the only true source for Absolute Law because it is inspired by God. Apart from the Bible, man is left with vastly different and absurd human philosophies that grope in the wind for a basis of law. Though we do not and should not advocate a theocracy this side of the Cross, the Bible does provide us with key principles that establish and uphold justice within a fallen society.

It is from Biblical principles that the Constitution of the United States is derived, yet, apart from self-regulation, this Constitution is not sustainable, which is something the Founders were quick to point out. This has become especially evident in our present post-modern decadent society. Likewise, because those who oppose the Constitution in favor of relativistic law tend to be anti-Christian, they are inevitably drawn to detest it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal

An investigation has shown that widespread cheating on standardized tests has occurred within the Atlanta Public Education system for the past decade or so. Not only is this exhibit A for why dumping gobs of cash into public education is futile, but it is also a testament to the depravity of our day. In stead of confession, there appears to be immediate justification! How godless!

I have heard over and over again this morning on talk radio of reports where numerous people are sympathetic to this cheating scandal. Instead of condemning it, it has simply become the result of pressure upon the system to produce higher test scores. There you go folks! The means have justified the ends, and we should all hold hands and gloss over this systematic widespread government run cheating scandal!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Birthday & Life Update

Hi Everyone! Yesterday was my birthday: 33!

I've been incredibly busy the past couple months after I got my new job managing the property & evidence room at Norcross Police Department, and life is much better now. My schedule is a 100 times better, and home life is more stable as a result.

I've been able to teach some at Christ Reformed Church during the Bible study hour on Sunday morning. Of late, I did a two part series examining the life of Joseph and all the implications therein. He is truly my hero of the Old Testament.

Lord willing, I will be speaking at a youth fellowship of Nepali youth on Saturday.

To Him be the glory!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Transitioning Into Home School

In the present era, many works have been published documenting the severe faults and weaknesses of public education as it pertains to the Christian life as well as the quality of education itself. For this reason, many have the desire to homeschool their children but have difficulty in the transition. Simply put, they want to homeschool but are overwhelmed at such a transition.

Therefore, I have decided to write a conscise booklet in helping parents overcome some of the real obstacles that homeschool parents face. The focus will be on three key areas: theological underpinnings, fiscal responsibities, and logistics. The theological section will highlight some of the critical reasons why Christian parents should consider homeschooling. Secondly, finances will be covered because this tends to be one of the most problematic areas when transitioning from a two-income family to a single-income family, especially when health insurance and/or immense debt is involved. Finally, logistics will cover the nuts and bolts of curriculum selection, implementation, and familial roles.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

In an era when most people in the West live in well lit cities, many of us do not appreciate the grandeur that is the night's sky. The moon and constellations have been used since the beginning of creation for a multitude of things, especially the planting and harvesting of crops as well as navigation.

Though technology has advanced in many areas, we still use the heavens. Even today, a number of our satellites maintain orientation because of pre-programmed stellar charts. The one's that I worked with focused more on the sun, moon, earth relationship in particular.

Let us therefore praise the Lord for what He has displayed in the heavens! Go and behold what God had as created! Amen!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wycliffe Bible Translation

A few days ago, I contacted Wycliffe to see how I could assist with Bible Translation in the future. As I have become more versed in Biblical linguistics via a voluminous amount of work in Hebrew and Greek, God has given me a greater desire to do translation work at some point in the future. With today's technology, much can be done offsite, so there may be a possibility of doing some translation work via correspondence. I have spoken with a representative and will most likely meet with him in the next couple weeks to discuss things further. I appreciate your prayers in this.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Cure for Anxiety: Resting in God's Sovereignty

Many people are controlled by anxiety, and there are vast numbers who are unable to function because of it. Anxiety is brought about by our fear of what may or not happen given the current circumstances. For example, when funds are low and bills are high, anxiety escalates. For this reason, man will turn to something or someone to deal with anxiety, including medication.

Pills are popular because they are a quick fix, and, for that reason, this has become a multi-billion dollar industry. The great danger is that anxiety medication can be quite strong, so, when a person wants to get off of it, one has to be extremely cautious because death or serious injury could result.

How then should we deal with anxiety Biblically?

First of all, the spiritual answer to anxiety is to trust in the Sovereignty of God. Does not God provide for the flowers in the field and the birds of the sky? Will He not provide for that which was created in His image all the moreso? Repentance and submission to Christ is the only true answer to curing anxiety, and that takes the work of a Sovereign God because of our hardness of heart. When God is working upon the heart and convicting your heart, repent and cling to Christ. Do not be as the fool and chase after the vain idols that cannot see, hear, taste, touch, or speak.

Second of all, if one is on axiety medication, anti-depressants, etc., then coming off of those pills should be under the supervision of a physician. However, one must be careful because the facilities that are availble to 'detox' someone will also give unBiblical advice about how to deal with the anxiety to begin with. If a facility is used, it must be stressed that one is there to seek treatment for the physical withdrawal issues and not to gain unBiblical advice.

As you can see, the world's answer makes the problem far worse than it originally was. Therefore, seek Christ and rest in Him, lest you find yourself entrapped by the deceitfulness of the world's short-term bandaid idols.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Unsurprised When Trials Come

As a Christian, we should not be suprised when trials come. Though they can be difficult to persevere through, we should not become anxious. Christ foretold of persecution and tribulation for His Church, yet we often become despondent during such times as these when jobs are scarce and funds are tight. Nevertheless, we are to press on towards the goal that we have in Christ becuase the good work that He started in His saints will be completed. Therefore, be of good cheer and know that He is Lord.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why are more Americans Pro-Life today?

More Americans are statistically pro-life today than in previous decades as studies have shown. The ultrasound is a huge factor as people can now see in the womb with tremendous detail. Not only do parents and grandparents celebrate the unborn child with ultrasound pictures at work and at home, but their older children see those pictures. See

Just like a lot of other parents, we put up ultrasound pictures on the refrigerator and the internet for all the world to see and enjoy. Our little ones also see those pictures, and those images become embedded into them from a young age. This then lessens the likelihood that they will be pro-abortion as the grow up.

The other factor that is beginning to show itself a bit more with each passing year and decade is that of population growth amongst pro-life advocates. Those who are pro-abortion tend to have less children or no children at all. Therefore, by default, when pro-abortion advocates die, they are ironically being replaced by children who grew up in pro-life families that tend to be larger.

Like all false worldview positions, abortion advocacy self-destructs over a period of time, and this, by God's grace, is a built in check against such evil.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Naturalism and the Lack of Justice

In the midst of the horror that has recently occurred in Arizona, justice is demanded. However, our judicial system has significantly drifted away from its Biblical basis for justice. In man's humanistic attempts to take God out of every facet of life, man left his only foundation for dignity as well. Man created in the image of God has value, but man evolved from pond scum is valueless. Man is then no better or worse than the pond scum from which he came.

In a naturalistic worldview, there are no absolutes because there is no God from which to contain those absolutes. It then becomes the will of the mob, a powerful elite, or some dictator. This is the condition of America.

The practical naturalistic elites have created a situation in which the perpetrator has become the victim. How did this happen?

If we're just a product of a genetically predisposed biochemical mass, then we have no reason to be accountable. Actually, the very words I'm writing right now would be just a mere chain reaction of chemical sequences. Utlimately, this is just a convenient way to justify anything you want to say or do.

In this particular case, the philosophic behaviorists will tend to make a strong case about a tough childhood while the neurologists will tend to make a case involving a biochemical disorder (a general theory of which I am of convinced is inconclusive at best). Either way, the murderer is made to be the victim, while the real victims are denied justice.

Therefore, we should not be surprised if justice is denied depending on what foundation of justice is used.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tragedy in Arizona: Grieving for the Young Girl

The great tragedy in Arizona reminds us of the fallen world we live in, and the murder of that beautiful young girl elevates this heinous crime. Because I have three daughters, it hit home for me as I am sure it did for most of you. I cannot imagine the grief her family is going through right now. The fact that she was born on 9-11 (from what I have heard) only magnifies what this child has lived through in her short life.

Let us pray for the family of this young girl that the God of all Peace may comfort them.
Let us pray for the Congresswoman who is still in critical condition that the Great Physician heal her.
Let us pray for the other victims and all others who have personal connections with them that the glory of God may shine through in the midst of this horror.
Let us pray for the proper implementation of justice upon the murderer that the righteousness of God might prevail.
Let us pray for the murderer's repentance lest we become haughty ourselves, for any of us are capable of such sins against our neighbor.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chronology Wars

Answers In Genesis had a great article in their latest quarterly edition of Answers Magazine regarding ancient chronological history. Though most people do not realize it, the vast majority of ancient history is not nearly as explicit in its chronology as the Bible.

When the Bible makes a multitude of explicit claims on years and dates, we take that for granted. In comparison to other ancient writings, the Bible is much easier to understand chronologically. On the contrary, other cultures were rampant in age inflation and often times did not include the sinful characteristics of a various monarchies and governments. Because of these two problems, it can be difficult to ascertain an accurate chronology and explanation of events in ancient history, especially epochs preceding those of the Greeks before the time of the 1st Olympiad, which was when the Greeks began to be more meticulous historians.

Ultimately, this shows us that we should not pigeon hole ourselves into thinking that we must 'fit' the Bible into pagan history because their respective timelines collapse down pretty signficantly when analyzed in more depth. The Egyptians and Babylonians were notorious for this, not to mention the reality of regimes in Egypt that once appeared to occur in different eras but have now been shown to have existed concurrently in different regions of Egypt.

Therefore, it is pagan history that must fit into a reliable Biblical history and not the other way around.